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Are You Prepared for an AI Interview?

Technology continues to move its way forward, and following what we experienced during the pandemic, it had no choice but to progress quickly. As a result, human resource management almost instantaneously adapted and moved every responsibility they could to a remote process. That includes interviewing.

Even as the workforce has shifted back to a predominantly in-person format again, these remote-friendly processes have staying power, and they aren’t going anywhere. So, whether your next interview is conducted via AI (Artificial Intelligence) or not, prepare yourself by brushing up on every possible interview you might face.

  1. Face-to-Face – Structured in-person interview between the interviewer and interviewee in the same location.
  2. Automated Phone – The candidate is recorded while they respond to pre-recorded screening questions. The response is then transcribed for the interviewer.
  3. Video – Similar to a face-to-face interview where you’re asked questions in real time but over a video service like Zoom or Skype.
  4. Automated Video – Similar to the automated phone interview, but done via video. Both the interviewer and interviewee are in different locations.
  5. Automated Phone/Video AI-Assisted – Takes the same steps as the automated phone/video interview with the twist of technology, providing recommendations based on facial expressions, body language, or tone of voice.
  6. Automated Phone/Video AI-Led – Takes the same steps as the automated phone/video AI-assisted interview and then adds in the capability to make the hiring decision without human revision – all technology-based.

Pros of Automated Phone/Video AI Interviews

  • Streamlines the hiring process by dividing recruitment into multiple stages automatically.
  • A faster method for gathering information and assessing skillsets and experience.
  • Identifies specific patterns that lead to more personal results.

Cons of Automated Phone/Video AI Interviews

  • Reliability in recognizing a candidate’s cues or characteristics could lead to incorrect segmentation.
  • Lacks “gut instinct,” so employers need to understand that the human factor still plays a role at some stage in the interviewing process. (Can’t rely 100% on an automated system.)
  • Missing hidden gems because AI patterns aren’t congruent with filtering selections.

So, what can you do to prepare for an AI interview?

  1. Remember to use non-verbal cues

AI makes decisions based on your body language. Be aware of where your hands are and what type of body posture you have. For example, sitting up straight exudes confidence and professionalism.

  1. Keep time limit in mind

When AI software is a part of the interviewing process, there’s a certain amount of time an interviewee has to answer a question before they are cut off. So make sure you know how long it takes (or should take) you to answer common interview questions.

  1. Work in keywords from job description

AI listens for keywords, so mentioning them is a natural way to help push you to the next stage of the interviewing process. In addition to using keywords from the job description, research the company and mention specific phrases or keywords from the website.

  1. Dress the part

AI does not necessarily measure competency based on what you’re wearing. Still, any recorded video could end up on a hiring manager’s desk, who can absolutely measure competency based on appearance.

  1. Use an appropriate backdrop and setting

Place yourself in front of a solid, neutral-colored background. Even though it’s not a Hollywood movie, you should keep lighting in mind. Placing yourself in front of a window or near a lighting source will provide a desirable amount of natural light.

In-person interviews aren’t a thing of the past, but automated interviews have entered the chat. Are you ready to be on the interviewee side of AI? Join the conversation on LinkedIn. Also, check out Becoming a Boomerang Employee.
