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How to Use Social Media to Attract Employers

It’s a well-known fact that employers use social media to find quality employees, scout potential candidates, and keep an eye on current employees. Anyone in the workforce knows the importance of keeping their social media reputation in good standing for this reason alone.

But employers should be aware of doing the same because job seekers are out there perusing social media platforms in search of potential quality employers themselves. So, if you’re someone looking for a job who hasn’t used social media to find that next opportunity, consider searching for your next employer with these 6 tips.

Strategize Appropriately

Before you start tearing apart your profiles, think about who it is you want to attract, who you want to connect with, and what you want them to do when they find you. Social media is a good tool for those who use it to create an online brand, but it’s a fantastic tool for those who intentionally build a strategy and execute it.

Do Your Research

Think about who it is you want to attract, and what it is that will grab their attention without being too general. It’s not possible to promote yourself effectively to lots of people online. Instead, consider the hiring managers, other employees, and networking contacts who either work at the company you are interested in or have ties to it. Do this by researching the company and building your online reputation to fit the culture.

Choose Platform Strategically

Just as social media managers should create different types of content based on the platform they market to, job seekers should choose where they spend their time networking appropriately. First, think of where you want to brand yourself in the eyes of a future employer. Every social networking site has its own vibe. The tone of Facebook is casual and encourages social discussion. LinkedIn is a more professional platform with thought-leader content. Instagram and Pinterest exist off of the importance of the visual, while Twitter is a place to post shorter, engaging information. TikTok and YouTube are where people go for entertainment or direction in the form of video. Finally, think about your target audience. Where are they going to be?

Revamp Online Branding

The priority of hiring managers has shifted to finding the best person who fits the company culture, not necessarily the smartest person or best person at a particular role. Think about the content you put out there in the socialsphere. Is it thought-provoking, intelligent, friendly? More importantly, does it sound like someone who fits the company’s culture? Make sure you always check in on your brand. Google yourself periodically. This way, you know what potential employers discover about you when doing their research.

Think About Keywords

Find the job description or job post you’re interested in. Study keywords or phrases that tie into your branding, and sprinkle those throughout your social media profiles and the content you publish. Pay the closest attention to repeated keywords or phrases because those will help your content rank higher from a searching standpoint.

Measure and Monitor Analytics

Gain the knowledge you need by figuring out the results of your social media efforts. For example, monitor the quality of your connections and the engagement of your content. Measuring the right information allows you to change strategy if need be or to continue with how you conduct yourself on social media.

What methods work best for you when attracting potential employers? Start the conversation on LinkedIn and check out Is Your Company Investing in Mental Health?
