Living through COVID taught us all a new way of workplace living, complete with learning when to mute, when to unmute, and how to find the best background motif for your next call. With 54% of Americans saying they don’t want to return to the office after getting a taste of remote-work life, it’s not a surprise that many employees and employers are trying to break away from the 9-to-5 culture in a work-from-home world.
Remote work allows professionals to work independently on tasks based on their schedule while still working alongside others, albeit in different locations. The importance of the 9-to-5 physical face-time environment has shifted from a necessity with the evolution of technology and digital communication with tools like Zoom, Slack, and the like. However, if you’re still questioning a world without the 9-to-5 structure, consider the benefits.
Top Performers Crave Flexibility
Simply put, if you want to keep your performance drivers around, offer flexibility. A flexible work environment lends itself to increased productivity. This doesn’t mean employees should walk all over you. However, if your company rules with an iron fist, you could be missing out on the quality employee you’re looking for. Find the balance necessary to keep those flexibility seekers in the queue.
Work Structure and Operation has Changed
The work world of 10 years ago, and even just 2 years ago, has changed. Content isn’t necessarily king anymore, as technology drives the remote-working boom. We’ve become more connected than ever as a workforce, allowing us to work in different places and still accomplish what we need. The days of needing to be in the same place at the same time have gone the way of cable TV.
Productivity Goes Up in Remote Environment.
This can’t be said enough (see above). Flexible work environments lead to an increase in productivity. Think about a situation when you were able to determine your schedule. It probably made you more satisfied and more engaged in your work, opening up the door to increased productivity by default. Of course, not every company is set up to let workers work whenever is best for them, and that’s ok. However, keep in mind that some people work at their peak from 7am-noon and some 7pm-midnight. And why exactly is productivity so important? According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, productivity increases have enabled the U.S. business sector to produce 9 times more goods and services.
Wasted Time Commuting
Whether you travel (traveled) by public transportation, your own car, carpool, a bike, or by feet, any time commuting isn’t (wasn’t) spent working. This means that removing the commute results in increased productivity by default. But it’s not all about how it benefits your workplace. There are certain pluses for you too. For example, have you ever sat in traffic or been the beneficiary of public transportation challenges? If this happens on your travels into work, that can set the tone for the day. And who wants to start like that?
Now, not having an actual commute might be great for some, but what about those who use that time to prepare for the day mentally? Don’t lose that. Build in a stagnant commute time that allows you to get into the mind frame you need to perform your job.
Do you think the end is near for the 9-to-5 culture? Start the conversation on LinkedIn and check out Is Your Company Investing in Mental Health?